Forever and Always ♥


Sunday, December 18, 2011 @ 1:01 PM
Genting Trip!

I'm back from all my trips! Finally. 

Overall the trip was a 4/10. It kinda sucked. 
Went with my mum, dad, Cherie (niece), Justine (niece) and their parents ^^
Day 1
Went to Lavender to go on the coach. It was freakin 6.30 am. Took Transtar Premium.

The bus had a massage chair-ish thing then got tv. But only got movie. And they only on it when we reach customs. So played on my phone and camwhored with Cherie on the bus since she was sitting next to me. 
The bus playing some bra movie. Super weird but funny XD
Cherie with her ghost at the hotel lobby.

The hotel lobby got damn lot of people sia. Need to queue up to take queue number then need to wait for your queue number before can check in. Waited for freakin 4 hours. Waist of time.

Christmas deco at the lobby.
Went to Starbucks to get hot choco since it was super duper cold.

So about 7 plus went to our rooms. I shared a room with Cherie and Justine then we started going crazy. Well me at least.

Then we went SHOPPING!

The car so cute :D But it crash on the wall .__.
Like her ghost.
Posing at the mirror at the Diesel store since we got nothing else to do.
I bought a vest! But I don't have a picture of it. And it wasn't cheap.

Day 2

Don't have pictures cos we went to the theme park that day! We didn't go the indoor one we just went to the outdoor one. 

First ride we sat was the corkscrew. When I heard the name of it then i was like "wtf o.O" Sounds super wrong. LOL. Had to queue for like 20 min? Me and Justine sat together and we went for the first row! It was super cold since it's all up in the clouds and stuff. Then there was an overturn part which was like a twist. Then got the 360 loop. Battlestar in Singapore better. Lol.

Then went for the go kart thing which had to queue for freakin 45 minutes cos they gave everyone 5 freaking laps. Why cannot 3 leh? Basically the whole time we were freaking out whether we could sit cos the thing says must have proper footwear and we were wearing slippers. But turns out the provide shoes. And it was really gross. So at first I thought I was last or something but turns out I was in front. Cos somehow Justine and the others overtook me -.- So I was one of the last. But it was kinda fun :D 

Then ate super mini and cute donuts! Super nice. 

We went to sit the merry-go-round. Got some super bitchy woman behind us who tried to cut queue. Then her children also leh. Like seriously? Set a good example for your children. I bet she must be wondering why we want to take the merry-go-round and got super pissed but what the hell.

Then sat the spinner. I was damn scared that i would fall out. But considering that some small girl didn't fall out... Had fun sitting that. But again it was freakin cold. So I was shouting "It's so bloody cold" most of the time. Sat that twice. 

Then we wanted to sit the flying coaster which is like super freaking cool but got damn long queue. Lazy queue. And then we got out of the theme park. Went to eat lunch at marrybrown which is kinda like KFC? Then we went for something like iFly!

Geared up in some funny suit thing. Then had a practice on how to fly. Then the actual thing came. 

I couldn't fly at all. Wtf. It was super bloody hard. I couldn't straighten my legs since the wind was so bloody strong. 

Then tried it a second time. I was much better cos I got use to the wind. Then the instructor grabbed my leg then my hand and started spinning up and down. Super giddy. I didn't like it at all.

My hand immediately was damn pain and I became damn moody. 

Then slacked at hotel while Justine they all went back to the theme park. 

Ate at the food court thing and it was super ex. Zomg. RM130+ for 5 plates or mixed vegetable rice. That's like $60+ SGD. It's madness. But at least the food was not bad. Then went shopping! Bought this! 

  <3 Jelena

Super cheap sia! 2 for RM 50! But it's not the deluxe edition... :< 

Day 3
Going home! 

Coach ride was super horrible. I wanted to vomit mostly the whole ride cos of the stupid kway tiao I ate. Fml. 

Now for the...

Basically, it's a compilation of the most epic faces I managed to take of people. It's not really a contest but you can tell me which one is the most epic one. 






All also very funny. Hahaha. well that's all for genting. Malacca trip post tomorrow! :)

Shannon (: