Wednesday, November 23, 2011 @ 4:37 PM
It's time to let go.
That's what I need to do.
So i opened up my mind. I was crazy, adventurous and most of all, open to whatever comes up. I bet you have no idea what I'm talking about but if you follow my twitter, you would.
I cut my hair.
Shoulder length. And now I can barely even tie my hair. Fml. How the fuck can I go to school to get my results tomorrow without everyone bombarding me with "Shannon! You cut you hair??!!" in an either shocked or happy way.
I'm slowly starting to get use to my new hair. Though I don't really like it. I expected it to be something like Selena Gomez's one like this
Really straight. But I ended up having my hair curve in. So it's really fucked up. Fml. I don't know what people will say. But what the heck.
I realise my hair is like my self-esteem. Like it's the only thing that I like about myself. So cutting my hair is like cutting away my self-esteem. But self-esteem can be built up. I guess I have to suck it up.
So... New Hair = Camwhoring time!!
I didn't even realise that that wall is striped. :x
So, I'm super nervous for tomorrow!!! Will blog once I come back home!
Shannon (:
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 @ 4:37 PM
It's time to let go.
That's what I need to do.
So i opened up my mind. I was crazy, adventurous and most of all, open to whatever comes up. I bet you have no idea what I'm talking about but if you follow my twitter, you would.
I cut my hair.
Shoulder length. And now I can barely even tie my hair. Fml. How the fuck can I go to school to get my results tomorrow without everyone bombarding me with "Shannon! You cut you hair??!!" in an either shocked or happy way.
I'm slowly starting to get use to my new hair. Though I don't really like it. I expected it to be something like Selena Gomez's one like this
Really straight. But I ended up having my hair curve in. So it's really fucked up. Fml. I don't know what people will say. But what the heck.
I realise my hair is like my self-esteem. Like it's the only thing that I like about myself. So cutting my hair is like cutting away my self-esteem. But self-esteem can be built up. I guess I have to suck it up.
So... New Hair = Camwhoring time!!
I didn't even realise that that wall is striped. :x
So, I'm super nervous for tomorrow!!! Will blog once I come back home!
Shannon (: