Forever and Always ♥


Monday, March 7, 2011 @ 7:16 PM
My day

Well today i got english results and math results back. english got 73/100 %. yes i fucking deproved:( FML. math 78/100. deproved by 2 marks. but what can you expect? P6 LEH. Chinese kinda suck. currently i only know paper 2. so yah. IT SUCKS:(

today got some kind of DSA talk. so stayed back with dom, zhuo yi and vicki. not forgetting JOLYNE:) we all went to mac but jo couldnt come. sad right? then after that we played with my red ball a.k.a APPLE. muahahaha:) so fun:) Then i had to go. left my ball with the others.

Now im like trying to do a song cover but then my father watching movie. so yah. try my best to sing:)

tell you all my results like another time, maybe tomorrow? idk depends on teachers if they got give back.