Forever and Always ♥


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 @ 9:13 PM
teachers scolding... lol

well yesterday i kena scolded by teacher twice for talking... SO STUPID. LOL:)

1st scolding
was by mr joseph lim for talking to dom... I DONT FEEL GUILTY... hah. He was like... " that two girls... STOP TALKING". haha...

2nd scolding
was by liu lao shi for talking to barnabas. After that.. then i very gui... never talk... cause my stomach was friggin pain... so weird..

Today i kena scolded by mr joseph lim cause i never sign the algebra test thingy. so yah.. actually, he didnt really scold me. I was the last person he came to... So i think he got tired of scolding the rest... or i dunno lah.. it's just plain weird.

I'm looking at my ask n learn thingy now... thats my only reason why i can use com.
its so boring... okay.. i gtg.. will probably post tmr..