Forever and Always ♥


Friday, October 21, 2011 @ 1:48 PM
Childhood awesomeness :D

Hello! So today's challenge is about my childhood. I actually wrote this post quite some time back. So now I'm gonna show some pics and stuff i recalled from my childhood!

You know youll get like freakin nostalgic and all the memories comes back luh. I remember when i was young i will think stupid stuff like...

I thought i was allergic to prawns.
Yes, i know, its stupid. Cus now I LOVE PRAWNS. Any kind of prawns. Sashimi prawns, Boiled prawns, any type of prawns also i like. HaHa. Laugh all you want. I think i would think like that is cus my friend was allergic to prawns.


I think this photo was taken in like 2005. I was at some performance workshop thing. Then i remember we performed on stage... Haha. I guess i wanted to be a singer since young. :p. Btw look at the girl in the background... Spot it.


Taken at Australia's airport way back when I was 3. If I'm not wrong. The one on the right is me, centre is my cousin, and my other cousin on the left.

My mom told me that I nearly got ran down by a bus in Australia. Cos my dad wasn't taking care of me. Instead, he go and cross the road with my cousin. Talk about good role model. Did i mention that the road was a FREAKIN BUSY ROAD? So i stupid and then go and follow. Lucky got some australian woman quickly grab me. According to my mum luh. Lucky sia, if not maybe now I wouldn't be typing this now.


So this is my current class. Really grateful for my class. Cos most of them are super awesome.PSLE is over so now everyday play with them. Gonna miss them when we go different school. 

Gotta go. Later going nex for shopping! 

Shannon (: