Forever and Always ♥


Tuesday, October 18, 2011 @ 9:33 AM
Challenges Day 2

Bernadette and me in May! Yes, i'm wearing makeup. Vain bitch. LOL. 

Day 2's challenge is... 
Talk about something that you HATE.

Hate is a strong word. A very strong word. Well, I do hate a lot of people and things. Especially in my class.
People that I hate are definitely backstabbers. I experienced backstabbing a lot of times. Once, it was by a person that I trust so much. So so much. And then she goes around spreading rumors about me. WHICH WERE ALL FAKE. Thanks a lot. You made me a stronger person.

A thing that I hate is probably my nothing. I don't hate any thing. I just hate people.

Yeah. So that's it.

Shannon (: