Forever and Always ♥


Wednesday, September 28, 2011 @ 3:33 PM
PSLE in 16.5 hours.

Photo edited by 美图秀秀.

Hello! Unusual way to start a post. A picture of me zilian-ing. Hahaha.

So yah. Psle is in 16.5 hours and I'm like so not prepared. Or maybe I am. I'm just super nervous for math. I got a C for math if you didn't know for Prelims. But I did badly for that cus I wasn't really studying. But I'm kinda confident that I'll get at least a B. I'm praying hard.

I just realise that the only subject I'm scared of is math. Maybe a bit for science but mostly is math.

Zhuo Yi told me something that helped me cheer up. "You can either take it as 2 days to torture or 8 days to freedom." She told me that yesterday. So I chose to take it as 8 days to freedom. I'm always telling others to be positive. So I decided to look on the brighter side of things. And that gave me motivation to study harder.

One thing that I'm really looking forward to after PSLE is definitely my birthday bash. Its going to be awesome and epic.

Kay... I gotta get back to studying. Have truck loads of stuff to do.
