Forever and Always ♥


Sunday, September 18, 2011 @ 3:49 PM
Random Updates ^^

Hello! On Friday, it was PSLE listening compre. I guess it was normal. Some of the passages were easy while some were tricky. After LC, Dom, Zhuo Yi, Vicki and I went to some coffee shop to eat. Then we played BLIND MICE!

I always had a common hiding spot. It's at the rolling thingy there. No one really will catch me there. So it was kinda awesome ^^. But when I was the blind mice, I kept banging into stuff. Everyone had a common hiding place. Especially Dom. The double yellow bar thing. But then I couldn't really catch her without touching the floor cus my hands are too short XD. then vicki would hide at the ladder thing then Zhuo Yi would just random about I guess. Some how while we were playing, Dom kept singing boom boom pow. I mean... How does that got to do with the game? Haha had a fun time after studying for quite a bit.

And now there are like 9 days to PSLE written paper. So nervous omg. But can't wait for after it. It's gonna be awesome.

Shannon :)