Forever and Always ♥


Saturday, June 18, 2011 @ 8:21 PM

Ok, HI:D I meant to blog about this but my cousin was here so its kinda awkward blogging in front of her. and my mum didn't allow me to use com :/ so yah.

We actually didn't plan to have a sleepover at all. So it's super last minute. Did i mention the sleepover was at my house? It all started when i asked Dom, Zhuo Yi and Rachel to come and study:D

Dom and Zhuo Yi came at like 10.30 and i went to fetch them. I went to the wrong bus stop. XD So i rushed to the right one. Then rachel came at 11. Dom and Zhuo Yi went to hide from me and rachel. But i found them. hehe.

Then we ate lunch. Played the song guessing game. Then played cards and molly. Around i think 1.30 we went to my clubhouse the study room. We actually studied! I did a math paper. But gave up halfway. After that, we played condo vampire.

Dom was the vampire at first. Had to partner with rachel cus my phone died. We were hiding at first at my super top secrethiding spot. Then we started walking around. and then even played basketball. We didn't really see Dom. We were super safe. Then after that me and zhuo yi was the vampire. Zhuo Yi didn't wear her slippers, so i offered a slipper to her. Better than nothing right? Hehe:D We didn't see dom and rachel at all. We then caught dom and rachel. They all told me that i actually found them once but never bothered looking inside. -.-"

Then after that, planned for my birthday party. ( I know its super early but i got my reasons) Then ate breakfast. Then i forgot what we did. Then i suddenly thought of having them to stay over. Zhuo Yi couldn't stay:( Sad. Then we ordered KFC. I introduced a game to Rachel and Dom called "satisfashion". They got addicted. KFC came at about 8.15. Ate and then bathed. Then we watch the show on channel 8. We kept acting crazy and mad. Oh yah, I also camwhored with Dom with AWESOME effects:D Check the photos out :D

They aren't really much. And 2 doesn't have effects. Imma lousy blogger :/.

Dom told us some scary random crap and then we all got scared. We scared ourselves... We thought my house got ghost, then we dont dare sleep. So we started playing monopoly. I did a compo that time! I FEEL SO PROUD OF MY SELF:D. Then around 4.30, my mum woke up and asked us to go to sleep. Around 6.30, went to my mum's bed to sleep. Idk why also. Woke up at 9am. So we slept like for 5h. Well that's for me. Idk about them. Yeah it was fun:D BYE.