Forever and Always ♥


Saturday, May 28, 2011 @ 8:22 PM

This post is going to be long and cheesy. So if you can't take cheesiness, you may leave.

This topic has been on my mind. This year is the year i'm taking PSLE. And it's huge. I mean like, this year basically decides my so called education future. What school to go to. and all that crap. I don't think i can take all the stress that is ahead of me. And if i go to a school that none of my friends, or even just acquaintances, what am i going to do? Be a loner? I know there's orientation and stuff, but still? I won't be able to trust and make friends with them so fast right?

If I go to a super good school, will anyone even follow me? What do i do. What if i die under all the stress and get some shitty results. Wtf. Go good school also cannot. If i go to lousy school, maybe cannot get good job (lawyer, doctor, manager etc.) next time. So yes, this decides my future. People will say to you : "As long as you try your best, it's ok." But maybe my best is not enough. My mum will forever say this : "You always compare with the bad ones, never compare with the good ones." She is totally dis-encouraging me. I mean, at least i got better than others right?! 65 in standard and 9 in class. at least buy me a reward to encourage me to do better... (wiat this has nothing to do with what i'm suppose to be talking about.) Back to the point, Can i really deal with the stress and peer pressure? I'm not going to commit suicide or do anything to harm myself. Cus that would be foolish. Look at the amount of holiday homework i have and you will know how much stress i'm under.

Well, maybe after all that stress and hard work, they will pay off. Good school, rewards shower down upon me. But now what really bothers me is my friendship.

I didn't really expect to actually think about this topic. When it comes to this, it really stresses me out. If you don't have a friend to be there for you when you need them, what are you going do? I mean, this topic also concerns your "popularity level". I'm not really concerned about that. I'm just worried that nobody will be there for me when i need them. Nobody to comfort me when i'm sad and all that stuff. This will eventually affect my studies. All i need is just 1 person, 1 person can already to really be my bff. Is that really too much to ask? Maybe sometimes I can get real bitchy and stuff like that, but at the end of the day, my best friend can take that. But i know they have a limit.

Now, my BFF has a new BFF and yah. That means i'm like a loner. But i know there will be other people for me. But my bff, she is seriously everything, she holds the key to my life. And now that she's "gone" i really have no idea what to do. This really sounds cheesy but i mean everything. I have talk to her, but her new BFF HATES ME. The real funny thing is that, her BFF was once my good friend. And i introduce my BFF to her. Super weird. It's like her BFF is a "friend poacher". Well, f*** you bitch. You FRIEND POACHER.

K thx for reading through this whole post, really helps me relief myself.