Forever and Always ♥


Saturday, May 21, 2011 @ 7:54 PM
I & E

HI... This is a proper post. Like proper. not like the other 2. or 3.

TODAY was I and E carnival. Was helping out in my class' the NAIL PAINTING STORE.
Li-Anne brought her nail shatter thing which was like freakin cool:) It looks like this

BTW, Pointing middle finger. Not insulting anyone. It just looks the best among all the others.

OK back to the nail polish thing.
Painted like don't know how many people's nails. Maybe at least 10. Wow that's a lot. I paint until i sian already. There were like different designs and one of them was the strawberry nails. They were friggin awesome kays. I never take pic:( FML. well i'll show you what it looks like

Just that we paint the green part on top of the nail. Still nice:) The strawberry was pastel pink (Y) So it should actually look like this:
Sorry for the big white space. So cute right? Love the green:)

Well, I have no idea how much we managed to collect but i think it's maybe $200 plus. or even more:) Around like 2 plus, me and carey when around the school seeing the other stores:) Bought some ribena drink from Mr Ng's store. Then i was like keep the change for a $0.50 drink. I gave him $2. Then he was like : " Cus she's my Shannon Wong." Then I was like ok.... What does he mean... -.-" Then after that nothing much happened... Well, there wont be any more I and E carnival next semester *sobs* I will like definitely go back next year... Sad... I can't believe I'm P6 now. I feel so sad. I don't want to leave SHPS.
