Forever and Always ♥


Monday, January 23, 2012 @ 4:51 PM
I won't give up.

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! Can't wait to go for second round of visiting! Get more ang bao! Kekeke :D

So yesterday was the eve right? My mum and I went to Marina Bay Sands! Last year I think Chinese New Year we also go. Every year always do the same thing de .__.

So we went to the Arts Science Museum to see the Titanic exhibition! The things all look super real lorh. From the rooms to the balcony all super real. They even gave us this boarding pass thingy. Which I lost... Then went for the Cartier exhibition which was really boring. Cos I apparently don't know how to appreciate these kind of stuff.

Then went to eat lunch. On the way to the food court, I stepped on something really sharp that it pierced through my skin. There was a lot of blood. A LOT of blood. But I'm alright now (: Ate wanton mee at the food court which was really ex. $6.80. Hmm. But it was not bad.

Went to one of my favourite stores in MBS, JUICY COUTURE <3

Bought something.... :)

Costs me $102. Yes, I bought it myself. My first ever branded bag I bought myself. *feels proud* awwwyeah.jpg 

Then we watched...  

It was freakin awesome. The effects and everything were great. Costumes too! Gahlinda is really bitchy though. Though she's suppose to be the good witch and stuff. 

After that, went for reunion dinner and stuff. 

Hehe bebe so cute (:
Shannon (:

Friday, January 13, 2012 @ 10:18 PM
We Knew that We were Destined to Explode


Ok hi! So I'm finally blogging. Really really sorry that I never blog. It's cos my mum took my mac away then I can't blog. So now using the stupid blogger app the blog. Better than nothing. And plus I have no time.

So camp was alright. Toilets were okay just sometimes they smell weird. Sadly. I became so much tanner. But I really bonded with the class. Made 2 more new friends :D so now I got 3, Nicole, Nurul and Joanna (: They are super awesome. We were together for the most part of the camp. So we played this modified version of captains ball. Instead of scoring by standing on the chair, you have to score by throwing in the ball through a hula hoop. So I played against this class where they had a really really big guy. So he kinda blocked the whole hoop. So no use playing. FML. So when we were not playing, we had to sit in the bloody hot sun, this me becoming tanner.

Today was CCA display. Really interested to join Basketball, Jam Band and Multimedia. I got chosen for drama and dance but I not interested :p
I wanted choir but I failed horribly at the auditions thingy then I see the songs they sing very weird so nah XD
Basketball my parents don't allow cos they say it's a rough sport. So that's out. So now I can't choose between Jam Band and Multimedia. Gah :( oh yah. During basketball trial, I sort of injured my finger and now is hurting like crap. Got one blue black there. Can't bend it normally. This sucks.

Shannon (:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012 @ 3:50 PM
For the first time.

Me in my new school uniform! lol.

So first day of school is today...

It was awkward. No one knew each other. Just this awkward silence at the our table. But I became friends with a girl whos sitting beside me. She's nice!

So tomorrow's the orientation camp. Hoping to make more friends. Wish me luck! Hope it won't be awkward as today .__.

Last day of the challenges.

One wish.

Get accepted in my new school.

That's all.

Shannon (:

Monday, January 2, 2012 @ 9:42 AM
Before You Go

How's your New Year going so far?

Sorry. I didn't know how to start this post.

Gonna blog about the Christmas party I had on the 22nd.

So Zhuo Yi came at ! plus cos she was really bored at home. Then we started watching boxxy.

Went to Century Square to get the food. Then waited for everyone else to come. Dom, Jolyne and Vicki came. Dom and Zhuo Yi stated tumblring. The rest just slacked. Then everyone else came. Ate. Then we started to play some game called Bam Splat or something. Can't remember.

Rachel looks epic here. SORRY RACHEL >.<

Here again. OMGWTFLOL

Then we played Werewolf.

Bwahahaha I'm the werewolf.

Werewolves discussing who to kill. 


Well that's all.

Now for the presents! These are some of the few that I really like (:


Two memorable moments... Hmm. Got a lot leh :/
1. The 2 USS trips with Dom and Zhuo Yi and one with Barnabas
2. Last day of School.

Shannon (:

Sunday, January 1, 2012 @ 12:00 AM
Happy New Year! (:


What's your New Year's resolution? I have a few.

That's some. Since I'll be going to a completely new school, I need to make friends. Nowadays I don't know why I've become socially awkward. Weirdly.

Here are some photos that I really like in 2011.

That's some. Still got a lot more. But I'm really in a rush to do this :/

Now for the challenge.

How I wish i can cut off the stupid awkward space.

3 people I'm glad that I became closer to in 2011.

3. Barnabas (:

Do I needa explain? 

Shannon (: