Forever and Always ♥


Thursday, September 29, 2011 @ 7:45 PM
So close yet so far...

This pic is so true!

Today's paper was kinda easy. But I have a feeling that there were some tricks. Compo for me sucked. I know I could have written better. So much better. Now I'm scared that I went out of point. *crosses fingers, prays hard*

So tomorrow is math. For the first time like since P5, I'm not freaking out for a math exam. Well I guess that's good. And I feel prepared. And that's even better. Cos it's the exam that decides your future blah blah blah. Of course it's awesome to feel prepared.

The reason for the title of my blogpost is cos... Math is so close yet HCL is so far. This week is going to take forever to go by. I guess it's worth it. Cos approx. 13 weeks of playing. Not really thinking about studies other than the school posting crap.

Hope math is easy! Ok back to revision .__.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 @ 3:33 PM
PSLE in 16.5 hours.

Photo edited by 美图秀秀.

Hello! Unusual way to start a post. A picture of me zilian-ing. Hahaha.

So yah. Psle is in 16.5 hours and I'm like so not prepared. Or maybe I am. I'm just super nervous for math. I got a C for math if you didn't know for Prelims. But I did badly for that cus I wasn't really studying. But I'm kinda confident that I'll get at least a B. I'm praying hard.

I just realise that the only subject I'm scared of is math. Maybe a bit for science but mostly is math.

Zhuo Yi told me something that helped me cheer up. "You can either take it as 2 days to torture or 8 days to freedom." She told me that yesterday. So I chose to take it as 8 days to freedom. I'm always telling others to be positive. So I decided to look on the brighter side of things. And that gave me motivation to study harder.

One thing that I'm really looking forward to after PSLE is definitely my birthday bash. Its going to be awesome and epic.

Kay... I gotta get back to studying. Have truck loads of stuff to do.


Monday, September 26, 2011 @ 5:01 PM

So I guess, I mist be equal. If not later people say I bias or what not. So... Here's a post about taro!

Taro has been with me since I was P2. My auntie always tell me last time before bebe came that taro would wait for me and stare out of the window. How cute! Hahaha(: but now he has bebe so he doesn't really do that.

Taro is really protective. And he lies to bark. But his bark is definitely not worse than his bite. Cos his bite is... OUCH!

So here's a few pictures of him now(:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 @ 5:06 PM

This post is going to be dedicated to my lovely dog, bebe. I realize that I don't really talk much about bebe.

Bebe has been with me since 2008. She is so FREAKIN CUTE (: I loved her since the day I got her. I remember we keep on thinking that she is preggers but then she's not. So we got excited for nothing. Haha. But I guess one bebe is enough(:

So now I'm going to let you see her cuteness(: haha enjoy!

Sunday, September 18, 2011 @ 3:49 PM
Random Updates ^^

Hello! On Friday, it was PSLE listening compre. I guess it was normal. Some of the passages were easy while some were tricky. After LC, Dom, Zhuo Yi, Vicki and I went to some coffee shop to eat. Then we played BLIND MICE!

I always had a common hiding spot. It's at the rolling thingy there. No one really will catch me there. So it was kinda awesome ^^. But when I was the blind mice, I kept banging into stuff. Everyone had a common hiding place. Especially Dom. The double yellow bar thing. But then I couldn't really catch her without touching the floor cus my hands are too short XD. then vicki would hide at the ladder thing then Zhuo Yi would just random about I guess. Some how while we were playing, Dom kept singing boom boom pow. I mean... How does that got to do with the game? Haha had a fun time after studying for quite a bit.

And now there are like 9 days to PSLE written paper. So nervous omg. But can't wait for after it. It's gonna be awesome.

Shannon :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011 @ 2:22 PM
SHINee World Concert!

Yesterday I went for SWC with Dominique. It was awesome sia. I saw my jonghyun!!! Ahhh! He smiled at me too! My gosh. Totally starstruck. Key waved at me too! Onew looked at me 3 times and Minho looked at me once. I forgot whether taemin looked at me or not... So heres what happened...

I went to SIS at 9am. Had to queue up all the way to 4.30 till I went into the stadium. It's was all worth it anyways. Then when we got in, we went straight to the front. We had quite a good spot. So not bad.

The concert started at 6 sharp. Then they started. I think they pitched Jonghyun's voice or something o.O
They performed 30 songs. Wow. I didn't keep count though. Found out on twitter. Jonghyun's solo was awesome. It was damn nice. It was so nice that it made me cry... IMMA BLINGER FOREVER :D
Minho's solo was OMG by usher. And after towards the end of the song, he unbutton his tux and we totally saw his abs!!! REALLY OMG!! HES FREAKIN HOT, EQUALLY AS HOT AS JONGHYUN :D
Then key's solo was MY FIRST KISS. taemin was Ke$ha. OMGWTFLOL HAHA :D
I remember at one point Onew was an angel then he was flying. They were singing the lullaby. Then onew covered a super duper cute boy! Then after that, the rest of the members surrounded them.
My fav performance was LUCIFER. IT WAS FREAKIN AMAZING! I love the claws and the lasers and the DANCE. IT WAS AWESOME X158296917620.

I would totally want to relive it!!

So, the following photos are about SWC. Btw, they are not in order. Photo credits to @Forever_SHINee.

@ 2:09 PM
Blogger app!

Omg hi!! The best thing happened ever!! There's finally a blogger app! THAT MEANS I CAN BLOG ANYTIME


Haha. This is super awesome.

Btw, went to SHINee concert yesterday!! Will blog about it tonight! Hehe gonna study now. Byeeee :D