Forever and Always ♥


Friday, November 26, 2010 @ 10:22 AM
HONGKONG!!! Here i come!

Hey! I'm wondering how my p6 friends results are... well.. anyway, tomorrow im flying off to Hong Kong in the Singapore A380. Im not very excited but im excited for OCEAN PARK! can't wait to seat on the roller coaster (YES, IM AN ADRENALINE JUNKIE) (y) I won't be posting until 7th december... SO SAD... :( I'll be posting about hong kong on 9th december when i upload all the photos. So see you!

Monday, November 22, 2010 @ 10:44 AM

HAPPY MONDAY! Today is the start of the holidays.. I'm currently watching the AMAs. Taylor Swift is performing her new single back to december:) It is AWESUMM :) JUSTIN BIEBER JUST WON BEST POP/ROCK MALE!!! OMG! :) but i wanted EMINEM to WIN :( ok about yesterday... i went to my 2nd facial.. it wasn't as pain as my first one. NOW ALL MY BLACKHEADS ARE GONE!!! (Y) After that, i went to watch MEGAMIND.. it was super funny.. MUST WATCH!!! MY RATING : 5/5 IM ALREADY STARTING TO MISS MY FWENS :(

Friday, November 19, 2010 @ 1:33 PM
injurie.. :(

look... an injurie:(

Well. i was running with my friend yesterday then she suddenly cut in to my "lane" then she accidentally tripped me and i fell... She acted as if nothing happen like that.. i my thoughts... if you were my friend, you would at least say like are you okay or is it pain..
tsk tsk. sorry i havent been blogging for two days.. today is the start of the school holidays... im kinda sad cus my p6 friends will be gone:( JASLYN AND EVANGELYN these are just 2 of them.. im so sad :( i cant get to see my classmates like for 6 weeks... 6 WEEKS !!! GAHH

Monday, November 15, 2010 @ 7:00 PM
Ashley was here:)

Hey guys! sorry i didnt blog yesterday cus i was too busy so here's a quick brief
I went to east point to eat
then went to 313@somerset I bought ipanema sandals and reebok sports shoes.

OK... About TODAY
today was the parent-teacher meeting. my mum couldn't got so i had to go. i coolected my report book.. GUESS WHAT? THERE"S NO CLASSING!!! YEAH BABY! UH-HUH! WOOTS:) THAT MEANS SAME CLASS AS HIM...:) after that, me and ashley went to mcdonald's to eat breakfast. we bought ate hotcakes:) YUM YUM! then after that she came to my house to do stuff bout I and E carnival. We designed some posters and made jelly :) we took like 100 over pictures leh.. all post on facebook.. siao right? then we made this video... actually 2 but im only gonna show you 1

Well later my cousin is coming so see ya :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010 @ 7:32 PM
my day :)

hey! I WENT TO VIVOCITY TODAY!!! I wanted to buy the hope ring in the pic that i showed you earlier on. They didn't have it:(
SO SAD!!!:( Instead, i bought this love necklace! It's damn nice:) Now my legs are aching cus I walk too much.. then on my way home, dominique texted me. She said she was at vivo city too! then i was like.. if only we had stayed there abit longer... Ouchh.. my nose very pain... i think its dry... ok here's a pic of me wearing the necklace. sorry i had to twist it. because it was the wrong way...

i got nothing to write already!

Friday, November 12, 2010 @ 9:43 PM
I may go into depression soon... JKJK

Hey.. the reason why i said that is because... after the exams i have basically got nothing Yes,Nothing at all to do. I'm so bored.. Everyday staring at my MacBook. Lets see a pic :/

I can't just do what that pic says..? what am i going to do? can you please tell me what to do in my cbox.. i find that my cbox is dead.. GaHH... OK enough for now

@ 7:35 PM

Hey again.. Guess what? MY TOOTH JUST DROPPED! Now there's a space.. very awkward... ok i got nothing to post now.. bye:)

@ 6:40 PM

Hey! Today I went to starbucks with Dominique and Rachel. We met at Starbucks!

My Hot Chocolate!

My Cinnamon Roll!

Me trying out a 3D TV at Courts.. It was awesome:) After that, we went to tampines mall arcade and i saw my friend Divyaa! We went to the neoprint booth but we realise got people.. Then Dom went to open the curtain and go and peek at the people.. It was a girl taking with her parents... LOL. Then we went to the playground.. We sat the spinning thing.. We got really giddy. After that, Rachel had to go.. so me and dom went to Tampines 1. We went to the arcade.. We played basketball and like totally embarrass ourselves.. We only score like 11!!! Then we went to play mario cart. We every course got like 1st.. Then we could finally take neoprints. Sorry i cannot post the neoprints cus they are with Dom... SAD:( We realised that the neoprints could be sent to Dom's phone.. We tried it out. Then, Dom input the wrong code!!! then it failed :( AWW... After that.. we went back. Overall, it was an AWESOME DAY!!! :)

@ 9:44 AM

Please don't mind the pic.. Today got no school... very happy! :) Well... I think it's because of some school admin day.. That means... DUM DUM DUM.. classing day. My teacher told us if its according to how well we have done in this whole year, the top 11 will go to 6/8.. And I'M NUMBER 8!!! Then the bottom 10 will go to a lower class... which means a few of my friends that i heart will go to another class!!! I think i'm going to cry:( PLEASE LET THE WHOLE CLASS STAY TOGETHER INCLUDING MR NG!!! :( Ok.. I'll post something later... TTFN

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 @ 9:55 PM

im sorry Pictures, Images and Photos
Dear J_ _ _ _ , I'm so sorry for what i have done to you.
I'm sorry for screaming at you.
I'm sorry for jabbing you for no reason.
I'm sorry for hitting your back so hard.
I'm sorry for slapping you.
I'm sorry for saying things that I think insulted you.
I cried over you as I made this list and I feel DAMN guilty about what I have done to you.

@ 9:45 PM
Fucked Up

I feel so fucking pissed off by my idiotic dad. As if he never do something wrong.. then everything always blame me. He say :" Everytime i ask you something then you never reply. You must show me more respect!" In my mind: fuck you lah. everytime so you so fucked up. Then he say:" everytime use my card go and buy thing. Your mother teach you one ahh!" My mom told me my dad never bought anything for her ever since they got married.. Now cannot spend meh! Then he says: I working like some mad dog! Then you eh shop like crazy! FUCK YOU LAH.. Im gonna post another post soon so TTYL.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010 @ 7:13 PM
This life rocks!

Just did what i did, like the picture above,i got everything i wanted! I'm sorry for making you guys jealous but ermm... idk what to say. ( if you dont what is idk, you're a loser.) Well i got a MacBook Air, iPhone 4 and lots of other stuff, well most imp. i got the guy that i heart.. He rocks! I'm not gonna tell you his name.. Too bad! :P ok thats all from me! just remember what i said! See ya!
(PS*: This does not go for everybody)

Monday, November 8, 2010 @ 4:27 PM

You smashed my heart into a thousand pieces
You broke me
You loved me
You betrayed me
What the hell are you going to do next?
Just Fuck off

@ 2:03 PM

Hello... im so freaking bored. I WANNA GO ROLLERBLADING!!! but nobody go with me.. Freakk.. GAAHH!! WHOPPEE WHOPPEE WHOPPEE! SUGAR RUSH! ok.. i got nothing to post now... bye

Sunday, November 7, 2010 @ 6:05 PM
My MacBook!!

Hey peeps! Guess what! I just bought the new MacBook Air!! And yes, i'm using it to type right now... It's the 13-inch one and it's super light compared to other laptops. It's just so awesome!!! Oh yes! I don't know what tutorial to do.. so, if you have any ideas, just leave a comment in the cbox! :)

That's all from me!

Friday, November 5, 2010 @ 9:41 AM
Where am i gonna go?

Happy Friday Pictures, Images and Photos
Happy Deepavali! I'm going to Bras Basah Complex later to eat at jack's place and buy some art supplies.. Hopefully can go Bugis or Orchard. Orchard cus ashley ho keeps asking me to try this ice cream...chuchuu Pictures, Images and Photos
Bugis because i wanna watch movie
Thats all from me!

Thursday, November 4, 2010 @ 7:51 PM

I just watch the MichellPhan video for the disney princess thing. And i notice some very rude comments about Xia Xue. For example:

@ 7:25 PM

OMG! My acne just popped! I squeezed it very sofly and it went "blehhh" then got some freaking yellow pass come out.. like dough. so disgusting Eww.. i hate it

@ 4:56 PM
I'm crazy...

cupcake Pictures, Images and Photos
I know i'm lame. this is my 3rd post today... hehehe. anyway.. happy depavali to all my indian friends! allow us to have long weekend! :) happy:) hopefully tomorrow can go East coast park with Rachel tomorrow.. picnic time! Ok.. see you.. i think im blogging later.. bye!

@ 4:43 PM
My love for you

Do you hate me?
You're not answering me.
Don't give me your stupid excuses.
I'm sick off hearing it.
If you hate me, Just go away.
broken heart Pictures, Images and Photos

@ 2:17 PM
My Horrible Results...

hey all.. Im bored.. Lets start with a pic :)

ok.. my results:
Compo : 26.5/40 (i know... so suck right?)
Sit Wrtg : 15/15
List. Compre : 20/20
Paper 2 : 67/95
Percentage: 76.2%

Paper 1: 36/40
Paper 2: 43/60
Total: 79/100

Compo: 35/40 (y)
List. Compre: 18/20
Paper 2: 70/90
Percentage: 82%


Higher Chinese
Compo: 30/40
Paper 2: 43/60
Total: 73/100
I feel so wasted for higher chinese... I only got like 2 marks away from distinction. but thats like quite good considering i didn't really study...
I WANT 4 A's!!! Then I can Get MacBook Air. Ahh!
ok.. thats it from me

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 @ 7:05 PM

Hey all! So happy! EXAMS Are finally over! Today had one hell of a good day! After school, went out with Dominique and Rachel! It was awesome!! I bought quite a lot of stuff... Well first we trained to simei to eat a this place called 18 chefs. The food was awesome. And then I bought three posters : 2 girls generation and 1 shinee. Then trained back to tampines and went to tampines 1. We took neoprints!!! Then we went to the basement, then saw this chio bag and then I bought it... It was freaking $18 sia.. So freaking cheap. Then bought this earpiece which was like $3.90. It's purple and it has stars!! Went to some place.. Forgot what's the name called.. And I bought this gold studded headband which was again, purple. Then went to urban write.. Rae and Dom bought like so many pens!!! Omg. After that, we went to tampines mall. We went to toy s rus. And we saw my classmate Divyaa, I didn't know what she was doing.. Then we went to popular. We saw Taylor swifts new album!! She's so pretty!! Then we went to cotton on... I wanted to buy a tank top but I no $$$. then we went to century square. We went to comic connection and I bought a Tiffany name tag... It's so nice.. After that, we went to Starbucks. I drank a caramel machiatto. It was tasteless. I CAN'T BELiEVE it! Then, we say goodbye and we went home. Rachel came to my house to help me stick some posters. Then after that she went back... Today was awesome and tomorrow going out again with amaris and some other people.