Forever and Always ♥


Sunday, October 31, 2010 @ 4:29 PM

Heyhey guys... Blogging from my phone... Well happy halloween! :D Who's going trick or treating? Well I am! I'll be dressing as this girl who got killed... Scary? But it won't... It will be pretty AWSUM. Pics will be posted on Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday... I dunno lah. But it definitely won't be tomorrow. EXAMS SUX... But it will be over like soon. Really regret joining higher chinese...
Got more homework from tuition especially
Got one more exam.
Get extra points like from 0-3
(what use will that be?)
Improves Chinese
Higher Chinese sux.
Got something to say bout higher Chinese? Comment in my cbox! Thanks. It will help me consider whether to drop out of higher Chinese next year.

Saturday, October 30, 2010 @ 1:51 PM
Announcement please :)

Hey! From today onwards, my blog will have some tutorials. Inspires by Xia Xue and Dominique:). The first tutorial is coming up so watch out!

Friday, October 29, 2010 @ 3:17 PM

Hey... I have like 2 exams to go... So sorry i haven't been blogging for like a while - Science and Higher Chinese... DUMB
OOHH.. My dog doesn't wanna eat the apple i gave her... sad:(
Here's a video that i made myself

Thursday, October 21, 2010 @ 10:47 AM

HeyHey! Today's e-learn is like damn long leh... the math got like 100 questions. so idiotic :( later i still got tuition.... idiotic. hate it:( Anyway, today is my 11 years old and 1 week birthday! (I know im being lame) YEAH!!! hsppy birthday to me, happy birthday to me :) well today is my maid's/helper/ sister's birthday to so happy birthday AUNTIE:) Anyway, Here's a song then suddenly im addicted to it:)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 @ 2:58 PM
I got bored... LOL

Heyhey! I'm like doing my mum's homework that she gave me... I got bored so I drew this. :) and then I took a pic of my uni-ball signo 0.8 gold and silver the joy gave me for my birthday... Now listening : circle the drain by Katy perry :DD "wanna be your lover, not your fucking mother." :D
*Please wait for the photos cause stupid blogger does bot allow me to upload from my phone. Hopefully by tomorrow!
Ttfn, Shannon.
PS: I'm awesome:)

@ 10:41 AM

My mum is like fucking giving so much homework and she expects me to finish it.. It's like 4 exam papers and then still need to do the fucking home based learning. It sux to the core.. Freak... I feel like dyeing of stress.
Dad says: try your best, don't study till our brain explodes, I won't expect anything. Just try:)
Mum says: you arh, better put in some more effort! Must get all a's if not no more iPhone for you! :(
Pissed off by her. Tsk

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 @ 11:35 AM
exams exams exams

ehlo! OMG! exams are here! exams=stress ! hate it. i cant slag or do anything... so i think i won't be posting anything soon...