Forever and Always ♥


Monday, November 15, 2010 @ 7:00 PM
Ashley was here:)

Hey guys! sorry i didnt blog yesterday cus i was too busy so here's a quick brief
I went to east point to eat
then went to 313@somerset I bought ipanema sandals and reebok sports shoes.

OK... About TODAY
today was the parent-teacher meeting. my mum couldn't got so i had to go. i coolected my report book.. GUESS WHAT? THERE"S NO CLASSING!!! YEAH BABY! UH-HUH! WOOTS:) THAT MEANS SAME CLASS AS HIM...:) after that, me and ashley went to mcdonald's to eat breakfast. we bought ate hotcakes:) YUM YUM! then after that she came to my house to do stuff bout I and E carnival. We designed some posters and made jelly :) we took like 100 over pictures leh.. all post on facebook.. siao right? then we made this video... actually 2 but im only gonna show you 1

Well later my cousin is coming so see ya :)